Affordable Onsite Hearing and Respiratory Testing
Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT)
Pulmonary Function Test (Spirometry): Spirometry is the most basic and most frequently performed test to measure lung function; the ability to move air into and out of the lungs. Using an instrument called a spirometer, the test is performed while the patient breathes in and out as quickly as possible into a measurement device. Specific measurements from the individual’s test are then compared to a standardized set of values, thus comparing the individual’s lung function against a norm.

Spirometry in Occupational Medicine: Spirometry can be used in pre-placement and fit-for-duty examinations, in situations where: a) the physical demands of a job require a certain level of cardiopulmonary fitness; or b) the characteristics of respirator use can impose a significant burden on the cardiopulmonary systems. Though not required routinely under the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard, spirometry may be used in the evaluation of respirator users in some situations.
Repeated spirometric evaluations can be used in medical surveillance programs when workplace exposures put workers at risk of developing occupationally related respiratory disorders. Surveillance is needed to detect the slowly developing or delayed losses of function that characterize many work-related respiratory disorders. Surveillance programs require that a baseline be established and that workers be retested periodically. These periodic spirometry tests may be mandated by OSHA regulations for employees exposed to asbestos, cadmium, coke oven emissions or cotton dust and for respirator-wearers exposed to benzene, formaldehyde or methylene chloride.
Onsite Hearing Testing
What OSHA Requires:
OSHA requires all employees to have an annual audiogram after obtaining the baseline audiogram, the employer shall obtain a new audiogram for each employee exposed at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels.
Onsite testing is convenient and cost effective. Audiochecks uses mobile units equipped with today’s latest technology to conduct audiometric testing.

We Offer Industrial Hearing Testing
There are a total of 4 booths located within each mobile unit; thus, allowing an average of 24 tests per hour. Each mobile unit was carefully designed to meet sound requirements needed to conduct hearing tests. Each industrial hearing booth has the ability to conduct testing in several different languages. Our mobile units are equipped with today’s latest industrial hearing testing equipment. We provide immediate employee notification letters with optional immediate retesting option if an employee has suffered a 10dB STS or potential Recordable shift.
All employees in the Hearing Conservation Program must be tested annually as required by CFR 29 Part 1910.95 and ANSI S3.1-1991. Retests for any invalid test or STS (Standard Threshold Shifts) must be conducted within 30 days.
Respiratory Fit Testing (A.P.R. Testing)
What OSHA Requires:
OSHA requires all employees that wear a respirator be fit tested in order to ensure that the respirator fits properly.
Onsite testing is the most convenient and cost effective way to meet the OSHA fit testing requirements. Audiochecks uses mobile units equipped with the latest technology to bring our fit testing process to your facility. We can also help you prepare and implement a Respiratory Protection Program in accordance with the OSHA requirements.
Respiratory Medical Clearance
What OHSA Requires:
OSHA requires the employer to provide a medical evaluation to determine the employee’s ability to use a respirator before the employee is fit tested or required to use the respirator in the workplace. If an employer chooses to implement the use of a respirator, OSHA requires that the employer has a written program in place.

Audiochecks will request a copy of your company’s written program. The medical evaluation shall obtain the information requested by the questionnaire in Sections 1 and 2, Part A of Appendix C of OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.134. Audiochecks will provide the medical questionnaire to you to distribute to the participating employees. The employees will complete the questionnaires confidentially. The employee will be provided an envelope to seal the medical clearance form. This envelope will be returned to the company contact. The company contact will deliver all sealed envelopes to Audiochecks for review by our consulting physician. The employer will receive back from Audiocheck’s consulting physician a written recommendation concerning the employee’s ability to use a respirator.